Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Countdown: Day 0

That's right, it's finally time. After waiting and preparing and praying, it's finally time! I'm so happy that today I will be flying down to meet with the Moore family, including my good friend Jordan Placencia! Please pray for our ministry down there as these kids have unbelievable potential to lead their community toward Christ! Please also pray for traveling mercies. Most of all, I ask you'd pray for Jordan and I to be protected from the attacks Satan will be throwing at us while in Brasil... Satan doesn't like God working in peoples' lives.
Anywho, for anyone who actually reads this blog, today I had an idea of sorts. I think I'm going to try to write a group of songs, an "album" if you will, based upon a story line, writing from the character's perspective. I see it as an opportunity to write from a different point of view. One idea I had was to write of a man trying to leave the Mob/Gangster scene of the late 1800/early 1900 in Chicago. What are your ideas? Comment here or send something to my facebook.
Most importantly, I hope for you, dear reader, to have a wonderful summer. If you're a follower of Christ, take this summer as a grand opportunity to minister in one way or another to those around you. It can simple, it can be big. If I know you, let me know what your summer plans are and I will make sure to pray for you! God's got plenty of soldiers doing plenty of things for His Will around the globe! I will tell you of my travels and first few days shortly. Please keep me in your prayers!

Your friend, brother in Christ, son,
Robert Lauter

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rob! I didn't know about this blog of yours.. and it's awesome!
    and just by this very post, I've already been blessed, so thank you. :)

    I'll be praying for you and jordan, and the Moore family, and everyone there in the community!
    and most especially for the work that is going to be done, and so the hearts will be opened, and lives can be transformed by meeting Christ and his mercy and power. :)

    if you guys need ANYTHING, you know i'm right here :)
