Monday, March 29, 2010

Days 1, 2, and 3 (Guatemala)

Hey there everyone! Things have been busy so I apologize for the delay on the update... Things are going great in Guatemala! We got up at 3:30 AM on Saturday to fly out from Knoxville. After falling asleep on the way to Newark, Brian decided to put his already-chewed gum in my mouth (pictures I'm sure are to follow). Anyways, after chillin at the Newark airport and grabbin some lunch, we hopped on the 4 hour flight to Guatemala City. I got a little bit of sleep and read up a ton! After landing and going through customs, we got to the missionary family's house. We relaxed most of that day, and at night we did devos. I played Mighty to Save during that time, and brian talked to us from Romans 10:14-15. Day 2 was super exciting. We set up a block party for the people of the mountain village of San Mateo. I dressed up as Roberto the Firefighter Clown (pictures to come as well). I found a little neat cube called an Evangicube. On it, it shared the whole gospel story through pictures. I carried that around, and as God would have it, a little girl asked me what it was. Because of that, I got to share the gospel with that little girl and she prayed for Jesus to forgive her sins and come into her heart! I got this same opportunity with 2 boys as well! Well, the block party was a huge success and as today would show we had a lot of kids come. After lunch, we went to the local "evangelical" church in San Mateo (it's called this because of it not being Catholic). The church service was neat because for Palm Sunday the villagers literally brought their "first fruits" for the church to sell and make money. The music was a little shaky, but it was very heart-felt. The pastor spoke out of Deut. 8 about not forgetting God in times of prosperity. Woe be to you, oh reader. For chances are you take advantage the computer you use and the roof you sleep under and in doing so can easily forget God. After church, we came back and debriefed after a sweet spaghetti dinner. After dinner, we sang Jesus Messiah. We also took communion, something that was great on Palm Sunday. Day 3 was super cool too! Today was the start to our VBS program, and originally about 30 or 45 kids came. We asked them to go find their friends and bring them back, and about 150 kids ended up attending! Me and the worship/teaching team did exactly that! It was cool to see stuff happening there. We also opened a "tienda" in the church where poor families had the opportunity to get clothes and toiletries and toys for their kids. At the end of every trip, a student that was with the family gave them a Bible and shared the Gospel with them. Over 10 people got saved today, including an entire family! God is working in huge ways down here. Please commit yourself to prayer- the fuel that empowers missions and the advancement of the Gospel!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Rob, it is so awesome to have two special people is seperate parts in the world and see the Holy Spirit working both places! I love the cube! What a great rejoicing it will be to meet everyone you are bringing into the kingdom. God puts you to my mind different parts of the day and I pray for you each time for God to provide strength to you. Cant wait to get together and have you share with me the stories you are experiencing. Love ya, Arn
